Thinking about possible future aircraft.

When I started to work on Special Air Wing, the plan was to include only exceptional aircraft in the sim; aircraft that are not available in other flight sims and that have something special.
Have a look at this MV-22 Osprey involved in carrier operations – This aircraft is REALLY amazing.
I think the MV-22 is really a good candidate.
I hope you agree…

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2 comments on “Thinking about possible future aircraft.
  1. Warthone says:

    Awesome app, one of the best I have found for mobile. Totally worth the cash it costs. Aircraft request though, how about our A-10 thunderbolt II also known as the “Warthog” it would be an epic addition to the sim! Kudos for the quality of the entire package!

    • GeeP says:

      Thanks. Here is my answer : BRRRRRTTTTTT ! 😉
      Yes, many of you asked for the A-10. I think I’ll have to add it, sooner or later :-)